How much do you really know nearby your best friend? Test your knowledge and be sure to tag your bestie if you can answer all these questions.
1. Their nickname
If you haven't come up with a nickname for them by now, are you really proper of 'best friend' status?
2. Their favorite dessert
Photo by amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash
Mmmm mmm delicious. Whether it's red velvet cake, chocolate custard, or those grocery maintain frosted sugar cookies, you really know how to brighten up your friend's day.
3. Their favorite sport
Photo by Jannes Glas on Unsplash
If they weren't sitting in class or operational, where would you go to find them? Is it the soccer field? The dance studio? Is he or she a gym rat?
4. Their biggest pet peeve
5. Their go-to music genre
Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash
Better own we won't be jamming out to anything other than EDM in the car....
6. How many siblings in their fam
Oh yeah, Ashley gets to see her older brother and younger sister over the holiday break!
7. Coke or Pepsi
Photo by Faris Mohammed on Unsplash
It's definitely Coke bruh.
8. Their dreams
As your best friend, I take full department for supporting you in all your ambitions. GO BLAKE! THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND!
9. Their current crush
Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash
Oh my gosh dude... isn't that her? Be cool, be cool.
10. Allergic to gluten?
Guess pizza party is out of the picture....
11. Dog or cat?
Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪ on Unsplash
Pleaseeeee don't get that crazy old cat lady!
12. Their birthday
Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash
How can you plan a rockin' party for them if you don't have this figured out??
13. Outdoors or Indoors?
Hiking say whaaaaaaaat? That's okay Liz, me and nature don't really get along.
14. Their dream vacation place
Photo by Alberto Lora on Unsplash
I Idea you said you were waiting to visit Greece pending your honeymoon? Oh well... when in Europe!
15. Their binge-watch Netflix series
I relate Kelsey, if you're not watching "Stranger Things" you better get on it! You're already four episodes behind! I can't take the suspense of waiting any longer!
16. Favorite place to shop
Francesca's sells the cutest tops! Want to bet that I could live off of only shopping at Target for the whole year?
Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash
Well, my momma raised me right but the besties room constantly looks like a clothing tornado ripped over it!
18. Their favorite color
C'mon if you don't know this one, can you really be occupied their best friend?
19. Apple music or Spotify?
How else are you moving to create the PERFECT playlist for your bestie?
20. Night owl or morning person??
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash
Do you have to drag your wicked to class/work every day? Or does he or she wake up ready to studied the world? A pretty important thing to know when decision-exclusive your evening plans together.
21. Does he/she procrastinate?
Does procrastination run in his blood? Or do you know she is on top of her game like two weeks afore the final project is due? Will studies come between you and your friendship???!!!!
22. Their level of love for coffee
Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash
When your bestie comes from a family of coffee-holics, you gotta have Starbucks Keurig cups on tap.
23. Their favorite food
QUICK! Your best friend is having a bad day. Where do you go to pick up magical food that will settle all their problems??? Is it Taco Bell? The Chinese restaurant down the road? A burger joint?!
24. Their laughter
Photo by Surface on Unsplash
You know... that deep belly droll that comes from inside jokes only you and your unsuitable can understand.
25. Their pick on jeans or leggings?
Let's be impartial. between working out, studying, or just hanging, when wouldn't you see her in leggings? #LeggingsForLife
Of jets, they are. Your reaction ^ to deciding on a Harry Potter movie marathon for the weekend.
27. Their personality type
Are they introverted? Extraverted? An introvert-extravert? Do you guys move the life of the party or rock sweats and good laughs at home?
28. Their favorite book
Photo by Kourosh Qaffari on Unsplash
Wait.....you mean to tell me that you read??!?!? Since when?
29. When they want to be left alone
Ooooof. This is a hard one. But sometimes a minor solitary is good for the soul! You'll be back in step with your unsuitable in no time.
30. When they need a hug
Photo by Erika Giraud on Unsplash
So you had a bad day....time to moneys a big bear hug in comfort!
31. Destination wedding?
Did someone say ROADTRIPPPPPPPPPPP? I think yes.
32. Their parents' names.
C'mon you gotta have an 'in' with the family. And for real, you probably spend so much time with your bestie that you're basically part of the family.
33. Tickets to the movies or the theatre?
There's no request about that one. You guys HAVE to see that new movie starring Zac Efron. It's a tradition!
34. Dream artist to see live in concert.
Photo by Raphael Lovaski on Unsplash
Yeah. You know it would be Coldplay hands-down. Dream come true.
35. Their best friend.
In fact, this happens to be YOU!!! Love you bestie.