My sister and I are just 18 months apart. Right now, she is only a semester behind me at the same college I abet. We have always been treated like twins — actually more like an entity than two separate land. My little brother only called us by one name for a few days at the beginning of his life. Having a sibling superb close in age to you is such a recent experience. Here are some of the best joys and the biggest annoyances of having someone so discontinuance in age to you.
You have people a room for the majority of your life
Re-decorating the room always obsolete out in a fight. So, your mom decided on a theme you both didn't like as the solution. But, you had late night conversations since you were able to communicate, so you guys have had the deepest conversations and know all there is to know throughout each other.
You had matching clothes
Ahhh, a 90's staple. But let's be real. Y'all didn't match growing up because it was a obsolete trend. Y'all matched because your mom saw something that she current at the store and bought it in two sizes for effort sake. That's the real reason why you matched.
You had to share…well… everything
Ice bawl. Scooters. Phone. Car. Friends. Joys. Sorrows. Tears. Laughs (lots of laughs).
You were notorious by your last name- not by each of your superb names
We are not Allison or Megan. We are the Mallory girls.
You know every detail throughout the other person's life
If you are holding something back, they can already tell what it is because they can read your mind. I aloof can't figure out if this one is really cool, or really annoying.
You can staunch on them
Nobody is going to have your back like they do. They have walked above every situation you have experienced in your life with you. They know you better than you know yourself at times, and that is a really good thing. Especially when they can tell you are hungry and you can't even tell yourself. #tacos
You say the precise same thing at the same time all of the time
In the same tone. With the same timing. If freaks everyone else out but you two get in a laughing fit when it happens.
You compliment each other
She is the math intimates and I am the English person. She is the amusing one, I am the one that laughs at her silliness. She is the calm one, I am the emotional one.
Nobody understands your touched of humor like they do
Cracking a joke that only they would conception when they aren't there because they are always usually there and you don't realize they aren't there pending nobody laughs. Awkkkkward. It also crushes your soul to realize they just missed the most droll part of your day.
They know how to piss you off the most
Every. Single. Dang. Button. Is well known to them. And they push them all.
They are your best inferior, partner in crime, study buddy, meal partner, workout partner, roommate, counselor and shoulder to cry on all in one!